Sunday 13 March 2011

*Who am I*

I'm not sure half of the time.

I don't know a lot of things, I know how to make art, I know how to love, and I know how to give. I always thought I was born in the wrong Era. This world is too Modern, and absolutely too complicated for me. I just want a simple life, do what women did 200 years ago. I want to live in a fair tale, where I would know -> "we" could live happliy ever after. I want someone to sweep me off my feet, and carry me for the rest of our journey, someone i can rely on (which means he's gotta be smarter than me), and someone who's willing to know me. I think im born to love, i can give up anything for love, love comes 1st., when im in love, im pretty much blinded to everything else that's surrounding me, so dont mind me if im too drawn to the person whose walking beside me, and sort of missed ya when ur passing by. It's not my fault. Im in love :)

If you've met me, i don't really like talking about myself becuze not everybody likes to listen to one's life long story; just b/c they hear me, doens't mean they are listening to me. So i much rather write them out, therefore, if u are intersted, u can read it. and since ur reading this, u mite as well follow my blog ;)  it'll only get betteh!

So that's a little be about myself to get you started. find out more about me thru my arts, if u dare. . .

- the Beginning of my new blog - the Beginning of a new life -

Baby Maya was born on March 10, 2011. Congratz Whitney and Paul, she's a work of Art :)
I remember holding her for the first time, worrying that she might cry because I was holding her uncomfortably. But she smiled with her eyes half-opened. A little while later she would open her eyes even more, and I could see her beautiful blue eyes. So beautiful! I will always remmeber when I first heard you sneeze Maya! I can't wait for you baby shower, you are gonna <3 the clothes I bought for you, you little diva!

As for my Blogs, I will start posting pictures of my work once i have something to show, and will also talk about how I have come up with my ideas. Other than showing my Art works, I would also love to post up shoes that i find beautiful, gorgeous, hot, sexy, you name it! And artists/work of arts that have inspired me.

That is it for now, but more to come :)
 stay tune...